October 11, 2010

i need someone i trust

im doing it all myself =)
whenever i dun trust him/her
i wouldn't pass the job to him/her unless i have no choice =)
i seriously need someone who i trust to help me
instead of someone being extra luggage, to me
doing it all myself also not bad
next time i do for other event sure very strong XD
seriously, i failed as an OC =)
although i work hard, but my memory does have problem
always forget to give jobs to VOC = ="
caused her to be the "almost 0-contributer" = ="
feel so guilty to her whenever i recall back of this.
im sorry =(
anyhow, since forecast says there will be no raining on the night
so let's have fun =) its gonna be fun !!
except no surprising program & lack of performances
anyhow, the moral dances & foods will satisfy my dearest participants, most probably XD
yay! no more works after tomorrow night =)
although i have test on tuesday 10am XD