November 20, 2010

do respect.

i am not brainless nor have no common sense,
i know what i am doing.
i couldn't help if you don't respect my way,
just do it yourself if i couldn't help you out.

sometimes we already knew what's going to happen,
but you expect me to do it still,
although they will response as what i have predicted.
you want me to do it,
because of you still believe there might be chance,
by wasting my money daily.
money is not actually a problem,
in fact, i hate doing something which waste my effort.
i am really fed up with those stuff.
its not our fault or anything,
everyone has different expects and different thinking,
we just...didn't think in how each other expects.
sorry i couldn't make it how you expect,
please, do it yourself if i couldn't help you sometimes.


  1. calm down....calm down....
    Final exam period byk rajin mempostkan blog hor...

  2. ha ok ok
    sudden got thing write jiu write lor = ="
    not say banyak anot lar =D
